Hello & Welcome!
Thank you for your interest in the Bochiknot Brand Ambassador Program! We're excited to have you on board to try some of our amazing products and to share your experience and feedback with us.
To begin click the play button below.
Let's Get Started!
Follow the steps below to participate in Bochiknot's Brand Ambassador Program.
Getting started in the program is as easy as 1-2-3.
We've simplified the process to make it easier for you to begin trying out our awesome products right away.

To begin - simply go to Amazon.com.
• Type in the search bar "Bochiknot". Your search results will display some of our products.
• Click into one of our products and then click on Bochiknot Store.

When you land on Bochiknot's storefront.
• Click on Tools on tab bar.
• Choose between BOCHIKNOT Metal Rings for Macrame | 7 PCS 12"inch Craft Ring Frame
After you have received the metal rings, try it out and submit a review directly on Amazon.
• Once the review has been submitted/posted, please send your Amazon Order # as well as your PayPal email to bochiknot@gmail.com to receive a 75% rebate off of the original product price.

Below are responses to some FAQs. Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or would like to learn more. We would love to hear from you!
Once you sign up, you will have the chance to participate in our review program.
Please note that only those who live in North America (Canada and the USA) are able to participate in this program.
We will notify you via email what products you are able to order as a part of the program. Once you have ordered and received the product, try it out and provide a review and feedback on Amazon.
Your feedback will allow us to ensure we are consistently providing quality products and delivering customer satisfaction.
Brand Ambassadors may review one new product per month.
There are many benefits to joining the program.
• Become part of our Bochiknot family
• Be the first to receive and try out our newest and most popular products
• Future offer opportunities
• Enjoy making macrame for MUCH LESS
There is no contract. You can email us at any time to be removed from the program.