A Floral Berry Knot Pattern To Use on Any Macrame Project
I love a good floral pattern, especially Berry knots. There's something so soothing about it, and it adds an extra pop to any design.
This quick Double Half Hitch floral pattern with Berry knot is the ultimate tool for your knotting arsenal.
It's versatile, and you can incorporate it into just about any pattern. I like applying this pattern to larger macramé wall hanging patterns and dainty keychains.
This pattern will be a breeze if you've mastered the Double Half Hitch knot.
If you're still in the process of mastering this macramé basic, why not try out some of these patterns to perfect it?
Are you keen to try this in your own designs but not sure where to start? Check out our Bochiknot Macramé Community on Patreon.
It's the easiest way to fast-track your macramé journey from beginner to macramé master.
We also dive into creating your own designs, incorporating your inspirations and other patterns in these masterpieces.
This project should take about 15 minutes, depending on your skill level.
Cord & Supplies
To create this pattern, you will need:
- 8 vertical strands of cord
This means you'll need 4 strands of cord, folded in half and attached to a dowel using a Lark's Head knot.
Creating The Floral Berry Knot Pattern
Step 1: Use the middle 2 cords to make a diagonal Double Half Hitch Knot ("DHH") to the left.
Then continue with 2 more DHH knots to the left.
Step 2: Use the middle-right cod as the anchor cord for 2 diagonal DHH knots to the right.
Step 3: Flip the left-anchor cord to the right for 2 DHH knots.
Step 4: Flip the right-anchor cord to the left and make 3 DHH knots.
Step 5: Take the far-left cord as the working cord for a DHH knot onto the next cord down.
Then flip the anchor cord to the right and make 3 DHH knots to the right.
Step 6: Repeat the same pattern on the right side, mirroring the left side.
Step 7: Use the middle 4 cords to make a Berry knot underneath the floral pattern.
Use two outer cords as working cords to create 3 consecutive Square knots.
Weave the middle 2 cords through the hole above the first Square knot.
Use the same working and anchor cords to create one more Square knot underneath.
And that concludes the floral berry knot pattern :) I hope you enjoy incorporating this into your masterpieces!
Much love,

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I want to expand my knowledge of macrame and this looks like a great site to do that.
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